My First Birthday 2CD

Catalog # 070694-1/2
Release Year   Edition of 1200
2CD Length
Date/Venue 7 June 1994 Glam Slam Miami
Source from Sat Broadcast
Quality VG+
G2P Rating 2/5.0

Track Listing
7 June 1994 Glam Slam Miami
Endorphine Machine, Space, Interactive, Days Of Wild, Now, TMBGITW (The Mustang Mix), Love Sign(From Video), The Ride, Get Wild, Acknowledge Me, Race, The Jam, Shhh

Deane's Comments (rates this release 2/5.0)
This show is circulating on video; it is an amazing show. Unfortunately the show isn't complete, although this release is more complete than others. The packaging is fair at best and since this show was broadcast via satellite it could have better sound quality. Is this worth having? Yes. Even with its flaws it is a great document of this period and has some excellent versions of some of the 1994 material. Love Sign is from the video.

copyright 2002