Catalog #
Release Year   
6CDR Length
Date/Venue Pirate Of Eric Leeds & Madhouse Releases
G2P Rating /5.0

Track Listing
Madhouse 8 (official)
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
Madhouse 16 (official)
nine, ten. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
Madhouse 24
17 (penatration), 18 ( r u legal yet?), 19 (a girl and her puppy), 20 (Jailbait), 21-24 (dopamaine rush suite)
six, four, sixteen, twelve, ten, fifteen, thirteen
New Power Madhouse
17, rootie kazootie, space, guitar segue, asswoop, ethereal segue, parlor games, micheal segue, (got 2) give it up, sonny segue, 24
letter 2 miles
Remixes (official)
six (end of the world), six 1/2, 10 (the perfect mix), (the Prefect) 10, 10 and 1/2, 13 (the paisley park mix) 13 1/4
Eric Leeds Times Squared (official)
lines, andorra, night owl, overnight everynight, cpae horn, little rock, easy does it, the dopamine rush suite, kenya, times squared, once upon a time
Eric Leeds Things Left Unsaid (official)
isla mujeres, two sisters, things left unsaid, aguadilla, woman in chains, times gift, yaounde, soldiers things, commuting

Deane's Comments
Another CDR collection of the Madhouse official and unreleased tracks.

copyright 2002