Black Album (REA1) LP

Catalog # REA1
Release Year  US 
LP Length 45:00?
Date/Venue Black Album
Source Release
Quality VG+
G2P Rating 2.25/5.0

Track Listing
Black Album Tracks
Le Grind, Cindy C, Dead On It, When 2 R In Love, Bob George, Superfunkycalifragisexy, 2 Nigs United For West Compton, Rockhard In A Funky Place

Deane's Comments (rates this release 2/5.0)
Fairly plain and unremakrable pressing of the Black Album. Although one odd thing is that the label of my copy of this LP has a version ghost of a Warner Label... it is difficult to read and I have no idea where it comes from... the pressing or from contact with another record... who knows. This pressing fades out before the outro, otherwise this is a clean version. I've also seen this release with an orange sticker rather than yellow. Pointless now since it has been officially released.

Dale's Comments  (rates this release 2.5/5.0)
Not having filler is a plus, and if you want to collect these pirate versions I would go for the vinyl first.

copyright 2002